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4 easy ways to balance your hormones to sort you the hell out.

Feeling touchy, tired, depressed, gaining weight, hair loss and/or no desire to have sex?! Hormones like estrogen and insulin are able to affect many aspects of your life quite drastically. Good news - there is an easy way to regulate and balance your hormones naturally which will help to make the first step towards ditching synthetic hormones easier. 

1. Move your butt. In intervals though. Exercise enables and opens the hormone faucet to supply your body with the right hormones your body needs. This will help you to calm and lower your stress levels, as well as regulate your metabolism. Two to three times a week of 20 minute Power Pilates or Barre workout will do the trick. Oh Hello!

2.  Turn up the guacamole song and eat those avocados and coconut oil. Eating foods high in short- medium- and long- chain fatty acids will do wonders for your hormone balance. Those little fatty fat fat acids are actually the building blocks for hormone production, which will promote weight loss and give you that wished-for healthy glow.

3. Back Off Birth Control Pills
Everyone that knows me also knows the fact that I always ramble on about this, but the Pill is a hormone therapy which raises your estrogen level to a dangerous level and can be the cause of: 

Increased risk of breast cancer
Increased risk of blood clotting, heart attack and stroke
Gallbladder disease
Increased blood pressure
Weight gain
Mood changes
Nausea, irregular bleeding or spotting
Benign liver tumors
Breast tenderness

Don't worry, you don't have to stop having sex, there are many safer options to stop you becoming pregnant. See a doctor you trust and discuss your options, you will be surprised how much better you feel after you stopped taking the pill.  

4. Get some sleepy.
Hormones work on a schedule. The stress hormone Cortisol clocks in to its "regulate" shift at midnight. If you go to bed afterwards, it will miss its chance and will stay pissy. So go to bed, or otherwise your wish to be as cool and chill as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake in denim will never come true. 

So, no reason to go full Regina George on everyone. Let your inner bitch go and embrace peace.

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